Digital Inclusion

North East Lincolnshire

Helping you to get online and build your digital skills.

Welcome to our Digital Inclusion pages – our one stop website to help you find courses, training and support to do more online, confidently and safely. We can help you find friendly support in the place where you live. 

Our Digital Inclusion approach is a cross-sector collaboration with a number of organisations working together to create a digitally inclusive borough. We want to make sure no one is left behind as digital becomes the way to access services, communicate with organisations and interact with friends and family. So come on in and see where Digital can take you! 

The Digital Inclusion project forms part of our wider vision for a better more equal borough that supports and enables residents to improve their lives. We want to make sure that residents have the capability to use the internet to do things that benefit them day to day. We aim to ensure our residents have access to the kit, connectivity and are equipped with the skills they need to make the most of digital opportunities. 

To help achieve this we are developing a Digital Network of digital partners and providers from across the public sector, voluntary and community sector as well as business partners. This network will serve to jointly tackle digital exclusion and will work collaboratively to find solutions for our residents. 

Our aim 

Our aim is to enable everyone who wants to be digitally enabled, where our residents have the confidence, skills and access to the internet they need to gain the work, health and life benefits the internet provides. 

Why digital inclusion matters

With the world around us becoming increasingly digital, the access and capacity to use online services is a necessity. We are committed to digital accessibility and are determined to get our digitally excluded residents safely online to fix the digital divide. 

Residents will not be left behind. Digital exclusion can have serious negative impacts on a person’s job prospects, education, health and wellbeing and finances. Through not having the digital skills and access to utilise the online world an individual is at an increased risk of falling into poverty. 

We are committed to making sure this doesn’t happen anymore, with our team of dedicated partners ranging from businesses, community groups and charities we are focused on providing the solutions and access to devices, digital connectivity and skills to ensure no one is left behind.